Good morning Whatsapp Status 2019 | Good morning quotes for instagram and facebook
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Good morning Whatsapp Status
When the sun rises over the sky our hopes also rises to give one more day to achieve our goals to struggle and hustle oen more time and with tis spirit we wake up every morning with the hope that this day will be good day and this morning will be a good morning no matter what we go through all day how much we struggle , we all want our morning to be quiet and peacefull which will give us a positive start towards the start of the day , and now with extensive use of social media when we all sleep when the sun is waking up but still , we want to send atleast a good morning whatsapp status to our loved one’ s no matter when we sleep .
Good morning quotes status for facebook :
Morning comes with a breeze of peace which reminds us all to leave our body behind an go and find our soul in the air and see through these white clouds where the sun is rising and find a purpose kof life for which we are living and aim the whole day achieving that purpose , our body is most relaxed in the morning and this means that whatever we do in the morning is all from the heart .
Very little is needed to have a happy Life. It is all within yourself in ur ways of thinking. No matter what u do, do it with L0VE in your HEART… Good morning ..
Good Morning…..U know Y god gives us: Good morning…bcoz to Play Some more Gud inning’s in life that’s y…we say Gud Mrng. Have a wonderful day.
“I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of coffee.” – Terri Guillemets
“We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. Trick is knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.”
“Given enough coffee I could rule the world.”
“Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love.” – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
“No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee’s frothy goodness.” – Sheil Abd-al-Kabir
“Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will have another coffee.”
“It is in the early morning hour that the unseen is seen, and that the far-off beauty and glory, vanquishing all their vagueness, move down upon us till they stand clear as crystal close over against the soul.” – Sarah Smiley
“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.” – J. B. Priestley
“Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.” – George Washington Carver
“It was morning; through the high window I saw the pure, bright blue of the sky as it hovered cheerfully over the long roofs of the neighboring houses. It too seemed full of joy, as if it had special plans, and had put on its finest clothes for the occasion.” – Hermann Hesse
“It’s a finger snapping kind of day.” – Jamie Weise
“The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live. Breathe before it’s gone.” – Rumi
“Outside the open window, the morning air is all awash with angels.” – Richard Wilbur
We all should aim to wake up early in the morning to feel the calmness of the earth before the cars and bikes go hoking on the road and all the hush hush gets started just go on the road for a walk or just do some exercise to remain active all the day and it is best to wish all your friends and family a very good morning with good morning whatsapp status so they also wake up to fresh and motivated day .
Good morning for girlfriend :
Wishing someone special good morning is the best feeling in the world and what else could be better than wishing them with good morning quotes with lovely pictures and make them feel that they are very special to you .
The world is waiting to see your sweet smile in this beautiful morning. Wake up and bless this world with your charm for yet another day!
Every morning I wake up thanking God for giving me one more day to prove my love for you. Good morning my princess!
A beautiful day is waiting outside your door. So, wake up and be a part of it. Your life will be full of love on this day. Good morning!
A morning without the thoughts of you is a distant memory now. Now, every morning I wake up knowing you are in my heart. Good morning my love!
Every morning comes with a promise that I will get to see you for yet another day. I’m lucky because I have you in my world! Good morning!
To my sweet lover, wishing you a good morning. Your presence in my life has bloomed many special moments of cherishing together with you and I would want that forever to continue.
Good morning shayari in hindi :
A morning always inspires you to see through your life and make correction at a regular interval so that it does not comes to a halt and working smoothly is what you need in life , just like the rising sun and lights scattering all over the places removing the darkness you have to find the ray of light in your life which will cure your darkness forever , but first of all you have to relaxe your mind and make calm with yourself and your body .
सुबह होते ही जब दुनिया आबाद होती है,
आँख खुलते ही दिल में आपकी याद होती है,
खुशियों के फूल हों आपके आँचल में,
ये मेरे होंठों पे पहली फ़रियाद होती है।
सुबह हुयी हवाओं में खुशबु महकी,
प्यारी सी सुबह कर रही है तुम्हारा इंतज़ार,
अब तो जाग जाओ और खोल दो आँखें,
हमारा एस.एम.एस. ले कर आया है ढेर सारा प्यार।
तेरे गमों को तेरी ख़ुशी कर दे,
हर सुबह तेरी दुनिया में रौशनी भर दे,
जब भी टूटने लगें तेरी साँसे,
खुदा तुझमें शामिल मेरी जिंदगी कर दे।
आपकी नयी सुबह इतनी सुहानी हो जाये,
दुखों की सारी बातें आपकी पुरानी हो जायें,
दे जाये इतनी खुशियां यह नया दिन,
कि ख़ुशी भी आपकी दीवानी हो जाये।
जितनी खूबसूरत ये गुलाबी सुबह है,
उतना ही खूबसूरत आपका हर पल हो,
जितनी भी खुशियाँ आज आपके पास हैं,
उससे भी अधिक आने वाले कल हो।
हर फूल आपको एक नया अरमान दे,
सूरज की हर किरण आपको सलाम दे,
निकले कभी जो एक आँसू भी आपका,
तो खुदा आपको उससे दोगुनी मुस्कान दे।
सुबह-सुबह आपको एक पैगाम देना है,
आपको सुबह का पहला सलाम देना है,
गुज़रे सारा दिन आपका ख़ुशी ख़ुशी,
आपकी सुबह को खूबसूरत सा नाम देना है।
हँसी आपकी कोई चुरा ही ना पाये,
कभी कोई आपको रुला ना पाये,
खुशियों के ऐसे दीप जले ज़िंदगी में,
कि कोई तूफ़ान भी उसे बुझा ना पाये।
गुलाब खिलते रहे ज़िंदगी की राह् में, हँसी चमकती रहे आप कि निगाह में. खुशी कि लहर मिलें हर कदम पर आपको, देता हे ये दिल दुआ बार–बार आपको.
सपनो के जहाँ से अब लौट आऔ, हुई हे सुबह अब जाग जाओ, चांद – तारों को अब कह कर अलविदा, इस नए दिन की खुँशियों मे खो जाओ ! Wish You Lovely Good Morning

Good morning video status :
Wish your loved ones with good morning with a fresh collection of good morning whatsapp status , images and quotes and share them with your friends and family so that they could alos wake to a happy morning on seeing the status and feel fresh motivated and energetic which will make them work happily rest of the day in tough conditions they will learn how to smile and handle things more properly with good morning whatsapp status .