Best Funny Status For Whatsapp, Facebook, And Twitter: Funny SMS
Take off a corner in a love triangle.

Tired of sleeping

The apple is not far ♥ from the apple tree …
When they ♥ are going to hang you, ask for a glass ♥ of water. It is never known ♥ what might happen while it is brought.
it was not you who stole it from me, but I, out of my stupidity, gave it to you !!!
game ♥ manipulator … I wish I could find ♥ a female manipulator!
I’m not vindictive … I’ll write it down!
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Funny Status In Hindi
If you easily and simply knocked out the doors with your head, then you are stupid and toast, and not strong and cool.
Do you know who snowflakes are? – these are flies in pajamas !!!)
If you want to eat a spoonful of jam, don’t catch f * a * l * m FLIES !!!
So that your reflections on lofty matters are not interrupted in the most unceremonious way, close the toilet door with a latch …

she does not hold grudges, she is ready to wait, believes in herself, feels in her heart, loves his smell, remembers every happy moment, worries at the sight of him … who is she-an invention? no! every girl who could love …
Cloning people – expensive
Who is the owner of the house MUSIC or NEIGHBORS ???
yesterday my hamster died (… I loved him very much and will always remember … PS I don’t care about the ratings ** (the hamster just wanted me to write this on
Petya has 12 apples ♥, Lesha has 8 apples ♥, and Vasya has salt in his ass. Who was the last to escape ♥ from the collective farm garden?
Where is our world heading … women throw their babies into the trash … And for this only 1 year of imprisonment …. Yes, these should be burned !!!!
Childhood ends when the priest ceases to climb into the swing)))

Whatsapp Funny Status
She runs away from the past, but always thinks about it … She does not believe in miracles, but continues to dream … #She says that she is happy, but cries into her pillow at night … $She says that she stopped waiting, but every time shudders from the phone call … and every day I see HER in the mirror …
My cat often shits in the corners, I kick him for it, and it seems to me that he thinks that I kick him because he shits a little!

At times, too often, we want to ♥ seem unapproachable. Too often we hide our ♥ jealousy, our feelings. Thus, spoiling everything that has not really even begun yet. We fall in love and try to be disappointed in a person, rather than just love him. Thinking it would be easier this way. We are afraid of being rejected, so we do not let anyone near us and do not give anyone a chance. We’re tough. We are strong. We are women …
Having lived for 10 years in India, the Pakistani could not understand why shitty is bad, but shitty is good. But the main thing is why f * cking is worse than lousy, and f * cking is better than f * cking ©